If you’ve just been in an accident, you may have been asked by your insurance company to submit a photo estimate. In order to do so, you may have had to download an app built by your insurance company, or you may have submitted photos online. What happens...
Why Toyota Cares So Much About the Quality of Your Auto Body Repair, And So Should You
Toyota and the quest for brand loyalty after a repair Certain brands have very loyal followings, Volkswagen, Subaru, and Toyota come to mind. Toyota and Subaru are sold as long-lasting, trouble-free vehicles, and the people who buy them tend to keep them in service for many years. Because of their...
Why A Photo Estimate Is More Likely To Total Out Your Car
Unless you hate your car and are looking for an excuse to buy a new one, most people fear that their vehicle will be declared a total loss after an accident. That’s the number one question we get asked. The 70% Rule And the fact is cars get...
Why Ford Says You Cannot Use Aftermarket Windshields, And Why You Should Care
If you own a Ford and your repair involves installing a new windshield, you only have one approved option- use an OEM Ford windshield, and here is why. Ford and just about every other manufacturer put out “OEM Position Statements” to instruct repair shops on how their engineers want...